Gary Green is a writer; always has been…
Literature; Non-fiction; Journalism; Poetry.
As the liner notes of his first album said, “sometimes using a typewriter and sometimes using a
guitar.” Though the tool eventually became a computer, Gary Green has remained a writer.
Nominated ―twice― for the Pulitzer Prize in journalism, before his 30th birthday, Gary’s byline had
appeared more than 1,000 times in daily newspapers throughout the Southeastern United States. By
his early thirties, he was DC-based and editing national periodicals; and by 40 he co-owned
(with his father) a 250,000 circulation magazine. His first commercially
published book was a 1997 travel guide, though the legendary (and now
Smithsonian-owned) Folkways Records had published his poetry and essays
as early as 1976.
Folkways Records’ legendary founder, Moe Asch, once said in
an interview, “I publish people that have something to say; Gary
Green has something to say.”
Gary’s early self-published collections of essays, poetry, and articles began about the
same time as the Folkways distribution and continued through the early 1990’s until
small-imprint publishers picked up some of his business non-fiction. Like with his
music career, at the close of the 20th century Gary Green put his award-winning
writing career on a shelf as he pursued technology, business, gaming, politics, and
other adventure-quests. Through all those accomplishments, he continued to write,
just not professionally. In the 21st century, he returned to being published (with a fury).
This collection, here, includes excerpts from his books, booklets, newspaper stories,
magazine articles, liner notes, scripts, web-postings, lectures, & speeches, notebooks…
published and unpublished. Enjoy!
Gary Green’s Writings